Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jax to the Max

Jax likes to sing. And by sing I mean carry the same note over and over for long periods of time. She has started to adapt to the ABC song and will sing along with her toys that sing it...but she has a favorite song. "Honeybunch Sugar Pie." She heard it from a download on her Neena's iPhone, and adapted her own version of it. The actual lyrics are:

You're my honey bunch, sugar plum
pumpy yumpy yumkin
you're my sweety pie.

You're my cuppy cake, gum drops
schnookim schnookim schpoor,
the apple of my eye.

And I love you so,
I want you to know
That I'll always be right here.

And I love to sing
these songs to you,
because you are so dear.

That is my interpretation of this song sung by a 3 year old...now this is how Jaxon sings it:

I love hearing her say what she thinks she hears. And her little lisp just adds to it. So for a few more Jaxisms:

Accisent: I'm sorry mommy it was an accisent (accident).

Crappin: Look at me mommy! I'm crappin! (she is clapping)

Skinemwabit: Come on mommy, let's take a bafth (bath)...come on skinemwabit (skin-the-rabbit: which is the removal of one's shirt if you don't speak toddler).

Pack your back: When I'm burping Max she comes up and ask if she can "pack her back" too.

Raincoke: Mommy wook (look) it's raining...I need my raincoke (rain coat).

Nexcutah: Mommy what comes nexcutah (next).


Valerie said...

i thought her favorite song was single ladies and halo and somebody to love...

JD said...

o those are at the top of the list...i think she knows just how cute she really is when she sings this song.

Lynn said...

Be still my heart. I watch this over and over. I think she has a beautiful voice! And perfect inflections!